Your Dentist in Dublin Helps to Fight and Fix Bad Breath!

November 29, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 6:19 pm

woman hiding smile embarrassed If you’ve ever slept next to a loved one and had them roll over and breathe in your face, you know about bad breath. Usually, morning breath is solved with a quick fix—brushing your teeth as soon as you wake up! There are certain instances where you may still experience unpleasant breath even after cleaning your teeth. If this is the case, you may have chronic halitosis (persistent bad breath).

Your dentist in Dublin knows how much chronic bad breath can debilitate you in your daily life and wants to help you solve it. Learn more about how to fight the causes of chronic halitosis in this week’s blog post.


Sleep Apnea Treatment in Dublin Can Improve Your Life!

November 16, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 9:28 pm

tired man unhappy exhausted Is your partner usually nudging you a few times throughout the night, telling you to quit snoring? You wonder, “Will I ever wake up fully energized and rested?” These could be a few of many signs of a serious sleeping disorder, obstructive sleep apnea.

If you’re not sure this is an accurate diagnosis, your dentist is here to explain the most common symptoms of sleep apnea and help you receive sleep apnea treatment in Dublin.
