You’ve known for some time that you have worsening tooth decay but have failed to act on it. Now you’re beginning to experience painful sensations that shoot out from the tooth when you bite down into certain foods, which has really garnered your attention. You’re ready to finally get some help for your tooth, but is it too late for a simple cavity filling? Your local dentist says you may be in need of root canal therapy in Dublin, and as you read along, you’ll discover why and how the process works.
Do I Need Root Canal Therapy?
May 24, 2018
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It’s Time to Toss My Toothbrush? Your Dentist in Dublin Explains Why
May 17, 2018
You rely on it every day to get your day started and as one of the ways to prepare you for bed. We’re referring to your toothbrush, an important tool that you depend on to protect your oral health, but is there a limit on how long you can use it? Your dentist in Dublin weighs in to discuss how you can contribute to your oral health by knowing when to toss your toothbrush.
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