About Dr. Buck
Dr. Buck holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in zoology from Miami University and is a graduate of The Ohio State University College of Dentistry with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. Originally from Louisville, OH, Dr. Buck and his family have lived in the Dublin area for over ten years. His wife, Heather, is a business analyst for Fiserv Corporation in Dublin and likes traveling and reading. Dr. Buck and his wife have two children, Logan and Riley. Their son Logan is three years old and enjoys pizza, corndogs, and playing with his little friends. And their daughter Riley is just a few months old and she enjoys sleeping and being cute. Dr. Buck is an avid Buckeye fan and enjoys golfing, traveling, cooking/grilling, and spending time with family and friends. Dr. Buck is very passionate about providing great dental care and accomplishing the goals of his patients. He believes a person’s confidence and self esteem begin with healthy teeth and a beautiful smile.
Here are my most recent posts
August 6, 2020
On a day-to-day basis, you probably rarely (if ever) think about how incredible your teeth are. However, they play a vital role in the digestive process, your speech, and, of course, your beautiful smile. But how much do you really know about them? Read on for six interesting facts about your teeth from a dentist in Dublin!
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July 29, 2020
Your hands are perspiring, beads of sweat are dripping down your forehead, and you are watching the minutes tick away as the moment gets closer and closer. With all these nervous symptoms, you would think you were heading into a job interview or to meet your childhood idol. Unfortunately, this is just a routine bout of anxiety that comes with every dental appointment.
If this sounds familiar, then you are not alone. In fact, 36% of Americans fear going to the dentist and 12% experience an extreme dental phobia. Fortunately, many dentists today offer sedation dentistry to help ease the anxiety of patients who fall into the above statistics. Read on for information from a sedation dentist in Dublin on common causes, methods of sedation, and benefits.
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July 15, 2020
When COVID-19 hit, the world as we knew it changed. Seemingly overnight, face coverings, social distancing guidelines, and stay-at-home mandates were in full effect and a routine part of our daily lives. While these infection control measures are crucial for even healthy individuals, they are vital to elderly or medically compromised patients. Since the condition of their immune system leaves them particularly vulnerable to the symptoms of the Coronavirus, at-risk patients have their fair share of concerns regarding their life during the pandemic. Fortunately, your dentist in Dublin is addressing three common concerns of patients who are feeling anxious in the current climate.
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July 8, 2020
Since the start of COVID-19, wearing face coverings, self-isolating, and practicing extensive sanitation have become integral parts of our daily routine. While research is still being conducted on the intricacies of this novel virus, experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been adamant from the start of the pandemic that social distancing is crucial in flattening the curve. In fact, they believe that an estimated 185,000 deaths have been prevented by this measure alone! For that reason, your dentist is re-designing their practice into a social distancing-friendly zone. Therefore, your dental team will be opting for contactless greetings at your dental visit during COVID-19. Read on for four creative greetings recommended by your dentist in Dublin.
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June 30, 2020
Are you searching for a solution for your missing teeth? You aren’t alone. Approximately 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. There are many options out there including dentures and dental bridges. However, you may have noticed that the preferred method is often times dental implants. Over 3 million Americans are now reaping the benefits. But what makes them so great? Your dentist can explain why dental implants in Dublin have become such a popular method for tooth replacement.
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June 15, 2020
At this time, we are all making a variety of changes to our lives to prevent ourselves and others from getting sick. This is especially important for more vulnerable people who are at higher risk of developing life-threatening symptoms if they were to contract COVID-19. Social distancing, limiting your public outings, and frequent hand washing are all great steps that make a big difference. Another way to prevent infection is by wearing a face mask. Whether or not your area is requiring face masks, it is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to wear one when you are in public locations including the dental office. Your dentist in Dublin shares how to properly wear a face mask, including some do’s and don’ts.
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June 3, 2020
Are you self-conscious of your yellow teeth? Have the years of drinking coffee and red wine finally caught up and are now weighing down on your confidence? When you think of a perfect smile, you imagine one that is straight and perfectly white. The good news is that there are ways to transform your smile by lifting stains out of your teeth. Your dentist in Dublin shares the benefits of teeth whitening and why it could be the best option for you.
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May 20, 2020
Proper handwashing has always been a necessity. However, with the spread of COVID-19, it has become even more important. That’s because infection can easily be spread via the hands, as you can unconsciously touch your eyes, nose and mouth, the three main entry points for COVID-19. Read on to get some effective handwashing tips from your dentist in Dublin, and to learn how to fortify yourself as best as possible.
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May 15, 2020
Before COVID-19, your dental team would wash their hands, put on new gloves and a mask, and then start your appointment. With the new challenges posed by COVID-19, some changes have been made to ensure that patients and staff remain safe and protected from the spread of the virus. As you continue reading, you’ll learn about some of the new measures your dentist in Dublin is taking so that you can feel comfortable at your next visit!
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April 7, 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has thrust America into a sudden health crisis. As a means of slowing the spread of the virus, federal, state and local officials have issued orders for everyone to shelter-in-place. As an additional means of protection, dentists have temporarily stopped providing any forms of elective care. However, they are still available to treat dental emergencies. But, if you can avoid being in one of these unfortunate situations, wouldn’t you prefer that instead? As you read on, an emergency dentist in Dublin explains what you can do to protect yourself.
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