3 Things to Avoid While Getting Invisalign Treatment

December 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 1:42 am
a woman receiving Invisalign treatment at her dentist

Invisalign treatment changed the game for those who have always wanted straighter teeth but don’t want to wear traditional metal braces. The clear, removable aligners make the journey toward your dream smile discreet, comfortable, and flexible. You can still eat your favorite foods and keeping your teeth clean is so easy! Yet, it does require that you stick to your treatment plan so your pearly whites can move into their desired position. Here are three things to avoid with Invisalign to be sure to stay on track with your treatment.


Why Do Dental Implants Succeed So Often?

November 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 11:04 am
A dentist in Dublin holding a dental implant

If you didn’t already know, dental implants are very successful at restoring smiles. They work so well, in fact, that their long-term success rate stands at over 95%. That said, perhaps you want to know the reasons behind this staggering success. After all, getting such details would help you learn whether implants are your best option. It’s a good thing, then, that your dentist in Dublin can give you the scoop. Here’s a summary of three essential elements of dental implant success.


Ways to Appreciate Your Teeth This Thanksgiving

November 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 11:54 am
A dentist in Dublin wishing you a happy Thanksgiving

Per its name, this Thanksgiving will be a time to give thanks for life’s blessings. As such, many are now remembering to honor their friends, family, and livelihood. Along with those other things, though, consider taking time to appreciate your teeth on Turkey Day. Your pearly whites will be helping you speak and eat over the holiday, after all! As for how to do so, your dentist in Dublin has you covered. Here are four oral health tips for keeping your smile safe and healthy during Thanksgiving.


Why Start Invisalign at the End of the Year?

November 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 12:44 pm
A dentist in Dublin showing a patient an Invisalign tray

It’s nearly the end of 2022, so many people are thinking of New Year’s resolutions. As usual, some may make theirs to lose weight, exercise more, or live more charitably. If your own is to fix your crooked smile, though, now is a great time to get a head start! Invisalign can do the job very well, and it’s often covered by insurance. As such, treatment would let you use your benefits before they reset. If you’d like to learn more, here’s a summary of the matter from your dentist in Dublin.


If You Want to Save Money, See Your Dentist!

October 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 9:25 am
A dentist in Dublin holding a fake tooth and some coins

As you might know, times are tough in the current global economy. Due to rising inflation and interest rates, many people are trying to cut unnecessary spending— streaming services, restaurant eating, etc. However, don’t add your dentist in Dublin to this process. Rather than saving you money, doing so will cost you more in the long run. To find out why that’s the case, read on and learn how dental visits prevent oral issues and make care affordable.


How to Keep Your Halloween Sweet Tooth at Bay

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 8:01 am
Sugar-free candy from a dentist in Dublin

Like some, you may consider yourself to have a “sweet tooth” — an extreme liking for sweet-tasting foods. If you do, chances are your sugar cravings go into overdrive during Halloween time. After all, the holiday is all about getting large amounts of candy! Rather than spend the 31st binging on treats, though, you’re better limiting the Halloween candy you have. Luckily, your dentist in Dublin has ways to make this restraint easier. Read on to learn why candy harms oral health and tips for curbing your Halloween sweet tooth.


Celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month with a Healthy Smile

October 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 7:07 am
A dentist in Dublin treating a patient

Like most people, you likely think October’s only claim-to-fame is Halloween. After all, many spend the month focused on spooky decorations, scary costumes, and huge bundles of candy. However, October is also National Dental Hygiene Month! In other words, it’s a time to celebrate the importance of good oral health. In that spirit, your dentist in Dublin has a few suggestions. Here are four dental hygiene tips that’ll make this National Dental Hygiene Month your best yet!


What Does the Color of Your Teeth Say About You?

September 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 7:16 am
A dentist in Dublin treating a patient’s smile

Depending on what you’ve heard, you might think teeth are meant to stay white forever. After all, aren’t they called “pearly whites” for a reason? In that case, something must be seriously wrong if you notice them change color. However, the truth is quite the opposite: teeth naturally turn different colors with age. Plus, it’s normal for your smile’s shade to shift based on your diet and oral health. As proof, here’s a summary of the meanings behind various tooth colors from your dentist in Dublin.


What Foods Might Chip Your Teeth?

September 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 6:32 am
A woman eating nuts, one of the foods that can chip teeth

You probably know some meals aren’t good for your enamel. Sugary stuff, in particular, can lead to cavities and tooth decay. However, did you know that there are foods that can chip teeth too? If you aren’t careful, biting one of these items could lead to a ruined smile. As such, it’s essential to know about them to avoid a painful dental emergency. Luckily, your Dublin dentist is here to help. Here are four foods you should eat cautiously to ensure they don’t bust your teeth.


Why Are My Teeth Shifting?

September 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 4:44 pm
A woman with shifted teeth

In general, the main threat to your smile is harmful bacteria. After all, said microbes can cause tooth decay, cavities, gum disease, and worse. However, you should still watch out for other risks. Shifting teeth, in particular, could lead you to develop a crooked smile or misaligned jaw. As such, you should see your Dublin dentist for care if they start moving out of alignment. To learn more, here’s a summary of what causes teeth to shift and how dental treatments can help.

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