What Diet Trends Can Be Harmful to My Oral Health According to My Dentist in Dublin?

January 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 1:38 am
woman eating a lemon slice

Have you set health goals and tried to figure out how you are going to achieve them? Diet trends are the method of choice for many people. When executed properly, they can be helpful, but they also pose a risk to your oral health. If you are just trying to lose weight or want to be healthier in general, fad diets may not be the best course of action. Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Dublin about some diet trends you should be especially careful of attempting regarding the health of your teeth and gums.


How Untreated Sleep Apnea Can Hurt Your Health

January 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 1:51 am
man with sleep apnea snoring in bed

Millions of Americans suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, the majority of those cases are undiagnosed. If you have chronic snoring that affects your breathing while you sleep, it could indicate that you have sleep apnea. It’s incredibly important that you reach out to a professional and confirm a diagnosis so you can receive the treatment you need. Otherwise, the disorder can contribute to multiple health issues and affect your quality of life. Read on to learn about the dangers of untreated sleep apnea.


What Does the Color of a Person’s Teeth Say About Them According to Your Dentist in Dublin?

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 1:26 am
Person smiling with stained teeth

Are your teeth the color you want them to be? It is natural for teeth to become discolored over time from eating pigmented foods and aging, but it is still something so many people are self-conscious about. Have you ever thought about what the color of your teeth may say about you and your lifestyle? Continue reading to learn more from your dentist in Dublin about why your teeth are the color they are as well as what you can do to whiten them.


Tips on New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy Smile

December 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 1:37 am
men and women with 2022 new year’s balloons

Improving your health and keeping more money in your bank account, that’s a pretty excellent win-win situation right there. There are many New Year’s resolutions that will help you in both respects, and the ones that involve improving your oral health certainly qualify.

You can alter your daily oral hygiene regimen, and before long you’ve changed a problematic behavior without even thinking about it. Keep reading for suggestions from your dentist in Dublin on New Year’s resolutions for a healthy smile.


Tips from Your Dentist in Dublin on Defeating Bad Breath

December 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 12:13 am
bad breath illustration

Besides not contracting COVID or various illnesses, what are the benefits of wearing face masks? Not having to wear makeup might come to mind for some, but certainly not having to deal with anyone’s bad breath would rank even higher on the list.

It can be difficult to be polite to someone who wanders into your personal space and starts talking up a storm. You obviously don’t want to be the distributor of bad breath, and fortunately, your dentist in Dublin can help in that department. Read on to find out some causes of bad breath and how to get rid of it.


What Bad Habits Are Concerning for Your Dental Implants in Dublin?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 6:59 pm
dental implants 3D illustration

Being careful where something of value is concerned is so important in life. You know there’s someone out there who had a big house full of valuables but went on vacation without locking their front door and was subsequently robbed. While unfortunate, this hypothetical situation could certainly be avoided.

While much, much smaller than a house, dental implants are also a substantial investment that can make a significant impact on your quality of life. There are simple things you can avoid doing each day to boost their durability.

Keep reading to learn about bad habits to avoid when it comes to your dental implants in Dublin.


How Cosmetic Dentistry Makes You Look Younger

November 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 1:44 pm
man with nice smile thanks to cosmetic dentistry in Dublin

As you get older, you may notice that your smile is beginning to change. This is a completely natural part of aging, but some people may not like these changes and want to enhance the look of their smile with cosmetic dentistry. Luckily, there are several procedures that can help. Read on to learn about four of the most common dental issues that occur as we age and how a cosmetic dentist can help you learn to love your smile again.


4 Tips to a Successful Holiday Season with Invisalign

November 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 5:12 pm
woman wearing holiday sweater and holding Invisalign in Dublin

Whether you decide to stay home or travel during the holidays, it’s easy to get swept up into the busyness of the season and forget to do everything that your Invisalign treatment plan requires. Losing track of your Invisalign schedule can cause setbacks and put more distance between you and the straight, beautiful smile you desire. Read on to learn four tips that will help you avoid setbacks with your Invisalign in Dublin and enjoy the holidays to the fullest.


What Are the Parts of the Mouth?

November 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 1:52 pm
woman learning about parts of the mouth in Dublin

We use our mouths to eat, drink, and speak, but have you ever wondered what all the different parts are and what they’re used for? There are actually way more components than you might think. Read on to learn about the different parts of the mouth and how they work together to help you understand why it’s so important to maintain good oral health.


An Official List: The Best & Worst Halloween Candy For Your Child

October 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Buck @ 3:04 pm
Child in witch hat eating Halloween candy

During this spooktacular time of year, your child might be fearful of frightening movies and gruesome costumes. However, what they should really be scared of is cavities after Halloween. After all, it’s estimated that the average American consumes more than 3.4 pounds of candy on October 31st – yikes! Since the copious amounts of sugar turn into enamel-eroding acid when they hit your child’s mouth, it’s not too surprising that cases of tooth decay shoot up this time of year. The good news is that you can help protect your favorite smile with the below list of the best and worst candies for teeth!

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