When COVID-19 hit, the world as we knew it changed. Seemingly overnight, face coverings, social distancing guidelines, and stay-at-home mandates were in full effect and a routine part of our daily lives. While these infection control measures are crucial for even healthy individuals, they are vital to elderly or medically compromised patients. Since the condition of their immune system leaves them particularly vulnerable to the symptoms of the Coronavirus, at-risk patients have their fair share of concerns regarding their life during the pandemic. Fortunately, your dentist in Dublin is addressing three common concerns of patients who are feeling anxious in the current climate.
How Can I Protect Myself from Exposure to COVID-19?
Naturally, priority number one is keeping yourself safe during this pandemic. While there currently isn’t an approved vaccine, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from being exposed to COVID-19. Therefore, make sure to:
- Practice social distancing.
- Wear a face covering.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Use hand sanitizer when handwashing isn’t practical (ex: while in your car).
- Eat a vitamin-rich diet to give your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.
Is It Safe to Go to the Dentist for Routine Visits?
Fortunately, your dentist has followed extensive sanitation and infection control best practices long before 2020. Plus, the CDC recently shared that there are currently no cases of someone contracting COVID-19 at their dentist’s office! To continue prioritizing each patient’s safety, dentists across the U.S. are:
- Conducting screening questions with their patients and staff before they enter the practice.
- Offering hand sanitizer both before and after each appointment.
- Removing communal activities, like toy chests, magazines, and coffee machines.
- Wearing additional personal protective equipment (i.e., face shields, disposable coats, etc.).
- Performing daily health checks for the staff.
- Following guidelines put forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Dental Association.
Are There Additional Precautions I Should Take During a Pandemic?
To provide yourself with an additional layer of protection, at-risk patients should consider taking extensive precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to practicing thorough hand hygiene both in and out of your home, you should also consider:
- Having your groceries, medications, and supplies delivered.
- Wearing gloves when leaving your house.
- Increasing the frequency of your handwashing.
Living during a pandemic as an at-risk patient can be anxiety-inducing. Fortunately, your dentist is taking extensive measures to ensure your safety both in and out of the treatment chair. That way, you can get the oral care you need without compromising your overall health!
About the Practice
From your first phone call with Distinctive Smiles of Dublin to the moment you check-out, you can expect exemplary treatment, world-class care, and an experience genuinely built around you. At their state-of-the-art office, Dr. Eric Buck, Dr. Hannah Burton, Dr. Aras Mortazavi, and their hand-selected staff are united by their mission to create strong, healthy, beautiful smiles. If you would like additional information on how they are using their expertise to keep their at-risk patients safe during COVID-19, please visit their website or give them a call at 614-792-1800.