If you go to the mirror to brush your teeth and notice that your gums bleed easily, your Dublin dentist says don’t take it lightly. This is may be a warning sign that you are in the early stage of gum disease. If not treated, the effects could go beyond just your mouth, teeth and gums. In fact, it could affect your heart health. Learn more about the connection between these two parts of your body and how preventive dentistry and oral hygiene can protect you from gum disease and the related problems.
Distinctive Smiles of Dublin Blog
Your Dublin Dentist Says Gum Disease and Heart Health are Linked
February 25, 2018
Your Dentist in Dublin Says These Habits Will Destroy Your Teeth!
February 16, 2018
Your local oral expert says there’s a chance that you may be participating in some daily habits that could very well be counterproductive to the health, longevity and appearance of your teeth. And if you are, your dentist in Dublin wants you to know about the possible danger that you could be in. To learn what these activities are, continue reading.
From Your Dentist in Dublin – 5 Facts About Dental Implants
February 9, 2018
When is the last time you laughed without worrying about the look of your smile? Better yet, can you remember the last time you were able to eat your favorite foods – has it been that long? If these questions stir a since of melancholy inside of you, then it’s time to do something about it. The problem is that you have missing teeth, and the simple solution is to replace them with the best option possible, which are dental implants. If you’re wondering why they are the best solution, then continue reading for the answers.
5 Tips for Excellent Oral Hygiene from Your Dentist in Dublin
January 25, 2018
Any conversation about oral health has to include at least a mentioning of the two pillars that it stands on: oral hygiene and preventive dentistry. These are two very simple aspects of your dental wellness that require little more than some discipline and consistent effort. That’s why your dentist in Dublin has taken the time to discuss 5 easy ways to maintain excellent oral hygiene at home. Keep reading to learn what they are.
Perfect Smiles Delivered by Your Cosmetic Dentist of Dublin
January 15, 2018
When it comes to making a lasting impression, one of the surest ways is to flash a brilliant, bold and beautiful smile. Studies show that one-third of Americans notice your teeth before any other feature, and 24% say that it’s the part of the face they remember more than anything else. But what matters the most is the fact that it’s the part of your face that you focus on and want perfected. That’s why you’ve decided to make a change. You know that you deserve to have the smile of your dreams, but just need the right direction to get there. That’s why your local professional has decided to weigh in and discuss the benefits of visiting a cosmetic dentist of Dublin.
Your Dublin Dentist Reveals the Ultimate New Year’s Resolution
December 15, 2017
Although you live in a time zone that’s an hour behind New York, you still like to watch the “Big Apple” drop to start the new year. You have a little ritual that you’ve created where you mentally review all the things you’ve resolved to accomplish in the upcoming year. The list includes the usual suspects: to get in better shape, reduce debt and travel more. These are all reasonable goals, but your Dublin dentist wants you to consider a very practical aspiration: to achieve and/or maintain excellent oral health. Discovers some ways to manifest this.
Why Dental Implants of Dublin are the Best Option for Your Missing Teeth
December 7, 2017
For quite some time now you’ve been suffering from missing teeth. Yet, you still have faint memories of the days when you would smile endlessly and were considered the life of the party. But, after you lost your teeth, you also lost confidence. Since then, you’ve been hesitant to take photos, speak in public or eat the foods you love. But, the time has come for a change. You want your old life back, but you’re unsure about which route to take. Your dentist recommends dental implants of Dublin as the best option for returning your smile and confidence to where they should be. Explore several reasons why this is the best route for you.
Your Dentist in Dublin Helps to Fight and Fix Bad Breath!
November 29, 2017
If you’ve ever slept next to a loved one and had them roll over and breathe in your face, you know about bad breath. Usually, morning breath is solved with a quick fix—brushing your teeth as soon as you wake up! There are certain instances where you may still experience unpleasant breath even after cleaning your teeth. If this is the case, you may have chronic halitosis (persistent bad breath).
Your dentist in Dublin knows how much chronic bad breath can debilitate you in your daily life and wants to help you solve it. Learn more about how to fight the causes of chronic halitosis in this week’s blog post.
Sleep Apnea Treatment in Dublin Can Improve Your Life!
November 16, 2017
Is your partner usually nudging you a few times throughout the night, telling you to quit snoring? You wonder, “Will I ever wake up fully energized and rested?” These could be a few of many signs of a serious sleeping disorder, obstructive sleep apnea.
If you’re not sure this is an accurate diagnosis, your dentist is here to explain the most common symptoms of sleep apnea and help you receive sleep apnea treatment in Dublin.
Dental X-Rays? Your Dentist Explains What You Should Know
October 9, 2017
X-rays play an important part in all parts of the medical field, including dentistry. They let your dentist take a look at what is going on beneath the surface so it’s easier to spot problems before they develop into something major. But do you really need dental x-rays to maintain good oral health, and are there any risks involved with x-rays? Your dentist in Dublin is here to explain what you should know about this diagnostic tool.